My Heart for My Daughter & Her New Husband.
How do you put into words 21 years of smiles and hugs, tears of laughter, heartbreak, and joy, - milestones and turning? I have watched...
My Heart for My Daughter & Her New Husband.
A Prayer of Lament for a World that Is Not the Way It's Supposed to Be
COVID-19 Update
"Everything is going to be alright"
Virgil Sanico - 1954-2021
A Prayer for the Sanctity of Life in Our Nation
Thankfulness from 2020
Don't Waste Dorian
VBS Reflections: Crafts, Chaos, & the Spirit of God
Musings and Ruminations Forty Years in the Making
The Songs of Worship
The Blessing of Baptism
The Dreaded Holiday Schedule
A Wedding Shower Blessing
Watch & Pray in the Midst of Matthew
Robert Konemann: 1962-2016
A Gospel Response to Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights, and Dallas
The Second 'Last Word' of Christ: Luke 23:35-43
Robert Konemann: A Passion for God's Glory
Families Worshiping Together