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Youth & Young Adult Ministry Programs

It is our desire that the children & youth of Ocean Park grow to love and cherish the Word of God, walk in righteousness, and put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Our church offers Sunday School for all ages (infant through Sr. High School) starting at 9:30 on Sunday mornings in the Education Building. During the worship service, the children 5 and up sit with their family in the worship service. We encourage parents to make family worship a priority in their home and on the Lord's Day.

Ocean Park Nursery

We have a warm and friendly nursery where your baby is welcomed and cared for during the service (up to 4 years old). All our workers have background checks to ensure that your baby is in a safe and loving environment. You are welcome to have your baby in the service with you and if he or she gets fussy, the foyer of the sanctuary has glass doors which keep the sound out but let you listen along with the worship service.

Children's Ministry

We are committed to obeying the call of "one generation shall commend your works to another and tell of your mighty acts" (Ps. 145:4). Whether this is family worship at home, Wednesday Nights at Awana, VBS, Sunday School, or worship as a church family. It is our joy to teaching our children about the goodness of God so that their hearts come to love and trust Christ.


*Note: Due to COVID Awana on Wednesday Nights & Sunday School has been paused.

Ocean Park Children's Ministry
Ocean Park Youth Group
Youth Ministry

We desire to develop a love for Christ, hunger for his word, and a conviction to honor him with their life.


The Youth gather on Sunday mornings during Sunday school to learn the Bible and consider how it changes how they think, love, and live.


Throughout the year we enjoy youth activities within our church, with other gospel-loving churches, and our annual trip to Fuge camp in North Carolina.

Youth Leaders

Williams Family
Chris and Sally Williams

Chris and Sally Williams serve as the Youth Leaders of Ocean Park. Chris works for the military, and Sally is a stay-at-home-mom to three. Sally grew up at Ocean Park. They desire to pass on the faith legacy they received to the next generation. Chris teaches the Youth Sunday School class on Sundays from the Gospel Project .

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