Adult Ministries, Fellowship, & Mission Outreach
Fellowship Groups

Fellowship Groups are bi-monthly small groups where 10-12 people will meet in a member’s home to share a meal, discuss sermon application, and pray
Large Group Adult Bible Study
We gather every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall for a time of teaching, fellowship, and gospel application. Our aim is to enhance Bible knowledge and to encourage spiritual growth in each believer.
We use the Gospel Project curriculum, a weekly Bible study that helps all ages dive deep into the big story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to understand God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Scott Hughes

Gil Phillips

Women's Discipleship
The women of Ocean Park meet on the first Monday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. Women are encouraged to bring a brown bag dinner and eat together. The group works through study books such as The Praying Life by Paul Miller and Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. These groups are designed as an opportunity to carefully consider how we conform to the Word of God. It also serves as an opportunity to share our burdens and pray for one another.
Men's Discipleship
The men of Ocean Park meet on the first Saturday of every month in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy coffee, donuts, and studying God's Word. The group works through study books such as The Praying Life by Paul Miller and Knowing God by J.I. Packer. These mornings are designed as a means to sharpen each other and encourage each other to know Christ and make him known. The pinnacle of our time is praying with and for one another.


Scott & Lynell Baillie
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Papua New Guinea
Scott & Lynell are going to Papua New Guinea out of a love for God and for their neighbor with the aim to bring access to the Bible to the people there. In Papua New Guinea there are hundreds of language groups that don't have a single verse of God's Word in the language they understand best.

Cabaret Haiti Mission
Cabaret, Haiti
CHM is a lighthouse in the Cabaret region of Haiti. Through locally-led programs and strategic partnerships with other organizations, they are able to provide health care, education for children and adults, employment, orphan care, and share the hope of a life in Christ.

Mercy Ministry
Ocean Park seeks to follow the Scriptures in regard to extending mercy and care to those in need. The gospels tell us how Jesus cared for the weak, poor, oppressed, and helpless, and the early church followed his example. Scripture commands the people of God to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, provide for the physical and material needs of those who lack, and ultimately to love—not just with our words—but also through our deeds.
We desire that Ocean Park be known for our generosity, sacrifice, and intentional care for each member of our congregation from toddlers to senior citizens so that the world will know we are Christ's disciples.