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A Prayer for the Sanctity of Life in Our Nation

Writer's picture: Chris PartykaChris Partyka

In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, the Apostle Paul tells Timothy that the household of God should be a place of prayer…not exclusively for those within the church and those sympathetic to the church but for all people. He especially calls the church to pray for all people, ‘kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.’

Likewise, the Apostle Peter, urges believers to, ‘show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:17). Therefore, today we lift up our leaders on the federal, state, and local level that we may obey the commands of Scripture and honor our leaders…those we voted for and those we did not.

Let us obey the command of scripture and pray for our community and national leaders.

Father, you are a sovereign God and by your perfect wisdom you have endowed these men and women with authority to ‘punish evil and reward good’ (Romans 13:1-3). Therefore, we lift up our leaders to you for our leader’s hearts are a steam of water in your hand and you turn them wherever you will (Proverbs 21:1).

First we lift up our federal officials…

White House

President-Elect Joseph Biden & Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris

US Senators

Sen Marco Rubio

Sen Rick Scott

US House of Representatives

Rep John Rutherford

Rep Al Lawson

Rep Kat Cammack

We pray that these men and women would honor life as precious from the womb to the grave. That they would be champions of the weak, downtrodden, oppressed, marginalized, and those who have no voice. That they would enact legislation that honors the image of God that is impressed upon every man, woman, and child in our nation.

Father, we pray that we would be a nation where life is treated as precious. That the unborn would be safe, that mothers would have resources that they may provide safe and vibrant home to their children, and communities that are generous, gracious, and compassionate.

Move in the hearts of our leaders to provide federal resources to pregnancy centers that honor life, genuinely care for the health and flourishing of mothers and children, and to institutions and communities that provide teaching, resources, and training that support and uplift families.

Second, we lift up our state officials…

Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida Senators

Sen Aaron Bean

Sen Audrey Gibson

Sen Jennifer Bradley

Sen Travis Hutson

Florida House of Representatives

Rep Tracie Davis

Rep Cord Byrd

Rep Clay Yarborough

Rep Wyman Duggan

Rep Jason Fisher

Rep Angela Nixon

Father, we pray that our state may be a shining light in the midst of a divided nation. A place where love, self-control, and kindness triumph over hatred, acrimony, and pride. May our churches, ministries, and organizations be united as one as we seek to care for the least of these in our communities.

May they honor the life of the unborn who is silent in the womb, the life of the struggling young mother overwhelmed with the responsibilities of motherhood, the life for the sojourner in our midst, and life for the elderly and forgotten. May every life be precious, honored, and loved.

May these officials lead our state with passion, conviction, and courage so that the image of God is honored and value, protected and empowered to live and thrive as God has intended.

Third, we lift up our local officials…

Jax Beach: Mayor Christine Hoffman

Neptune Beach: Mayor Elaine Brown

Atlantic Beach: Mayor Ellen Glasser

Jacksonville: Mayor Lenny Curry

St. John’s County Commissioners

Father, we pray for each one of these mayors and commissioners as they lead in such a way that our cities would be a place where life is precious and the value, dignity, and worth of every citizen is protected.

I pray that these leaders would not be swayed by financial gain, political power, or personal profit but by a desire to honor the life, value, and dignity of their neighbor. I pray that each city, town, and municipality would be a place where faith, hope, and love thrive.

Finally, I pray for our community leaders…

We are a nation divided. We repent of putting our faith in politicians, hashtags, wealth, power, and education. We turn to you Almighty God for you alone have the power and wisdom to transform our hearts and our nation.

We confess that we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ. Only the Spirit of Christ can transform our nation by turning the hearts of our leaders away from partisan politics, divisive rhetoric, and self-serving policies and toward loving our neighbors…from the womb to the grave.

I pray for every church, ministry, and individual in this room and throughout our city that we would be a voice for truth, a champion of life, a servant of the community, and a good neighbor. We we be like Jesus and trust ourselves to the one who judges justly. As we champion life…

May we commit no sin and may no deceit be found in our mouth.

When we are reviled, may we not revile in return

When we suffer, may we not threaten.

Heal our land. Transform our nation and communities today, we pray…in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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